The map will feature several key points of interest with valuable non-weapon loot including armor kits, first-aid kits, ammo and more.
Players begin each round with 1000 health and zero armor. Armor kits can boost a player’s total hit points to 1500 while first-aid kits can be used to bring a player’s health back up to 1000.
Ammo will be another resource players will need to manage. Different guns will require different types of ammo.
Every major point of interest will feature the above resources in abundance, creating strong incentives for players to land in these locations. Resources will also be available at the outskirts of the map, but at much lower rates.
Players will be able to select up to three NFT-based weapons to equip in their starting load-out in the pre-game lobby screen. Players that do not have any NFT weapons can still play – they will begin each game with a common semi-automatic rifle.
By giving players a custom load-out to begin each game with, we remove some of the randomness that exists in the opening moments of a battle royale match where an unlucky player can meet a quick demise due to poor landing spot RNG. While it will still be possible to obtain new weapons in loot crates scattered throughout the map, they will be scarce.
We believe this approach increases the value of player’s NFT weapons. Relying on loot crates to find powerful weapons will be a very inconsistent approach. Having a strong starting load-out will be the most consistent strategy to ensure success.
Now with likely only a few players and quickly shrinking game map, the pressure is on.
While each of the forcefield’s movements will be randomly determined, the algorithm will be slightly biased towards major points of interest and will avoid ending on especially mountainous terrain. This adjustment should ensure the game will not conclude at exceedingly hard to reach or remote areas of the map.
After the forcefield’s fifth movement, the entirety of the map will be consumed, putting an end to the game. Each match is programmed to last a maximum of 15 minutes before the forcefield consumes the entirety of the map, leading to faster matches with less downtime.
On average, we expect games to be over in around 12 minutes, allowing for faster gameplay loops.
Glizzy Royale will be a first-person shooter with last-man-standing battle royale gameplay.
At the start of every game, players will begin up in the sky in our hot-dog (glizzy) plane and will strategically choose when to parachute out. Each lobby will feature a maximum of 20 players across a small but densly packed map (see "The Game Map" section for more detail on the map).
After landing, securing key resources, and defeating anyone that is unlucky enough to run into you, the middle game begins.
A couple minutes into each match, a translucent forcefield will begin to slowly swallow up the playable area of the map. The forcefield will condense around a randomly determined central point. The forcefield will move five times throughout the match, getting progressively smaller each time.
Players will be able to survive in the forcefield for a limited amount of time. Staying in the forcefield will drain a player’s health by 10 every second, meaning that a player at full health could survive for 10 seconds.